Everything has a beginning, ours began in 2018….
Our Founder, Shelli Conaway, found herself in Houston Texas with a small load on the deck headed to Florida, with Hurricane Michael approaching.
Having to wait for landfall before she could safely move thru allowed her to spend some time online.. Where she seen people preparing for the destruction about to make landfall.. The aftermath created a whole new set of problems.. So many people… such a large area.. and such a great need!
Many small groups, nonprofits and churches were mobilizing but hauling it in was a problem. As an Owner Operator, she knew how high freight costs were for these small groups… She tried to connect with others, but in the organized chaos that a disaster caused, it was difficult. So, she seen some in need along her route, and made plans to meet up as she passed thru.
After several stops along her route, picking up cases of water and other items she could, she loaded the items on her semi-trailer and headed into the aftermath. As you could imagine, going in less than 12 hours after landfall was a challenge.. many roads were not cleared, and a decision was made to meet on a clear exit ramp off interstate 10 for the handoff to smaller vehicles for distribution.
The people was so happy for these basic items, the need was great as most organizations hadn’t even made it in yet.. search and rescue efforts were still going on. But there were still people that needed help. With the destruction she seen for hundreds of miles, she knew that this was going to be an ongoing process of help for the region. But like many others, always thought FEMA and Red Cross took care of everything.. She was ever so wrong…
There is a network of small, grassroots and organized nonprofits and ministries that mobilize for disasters.. They have no federal funding, but they make a big impact! These Organizations are there for the long term and help these families long after the TV cameras and others leave. These are the people we work with.. the ones on the ground.. clearing the trees off houses for the elderly.. or helping a family shovel mud out of a home to start the cleanup process..
There are small search and rescue teams that need to get equipment in to allow them to continue to find survivors.. and others that specialize in power and communications in disasters bringing in equipment to assist.
That does not count the thousands of tons of food, tarps, medical supplies, and rebuilding supplies needed to help these communities.
She felt this was a great time for the Transportation industry to give back to others.. Many was passing thru and could help these small groups buy hauling one or two pallets of supplies into the area. So Trucks With Room to Spare was created.

It started out as nothing more than a Facebook group, trying to connect drivers going into these areas with supplies that needed to be brought in.. But after the Hurricane, it grew.. We finally received our Non-Profit status in April 2019 and have not stopped helping people.
Drivers and Companies together have donated their time and space in trailers for every natural disaster since then, and they have made the impact of helping others and allowing the Transportation industry to show its humanitarian side and connect with the public!
As drivers, we understand that working with others will help bridge the gap with the public and help us to communicate that we are just like them.. Mothers, Fathers, and Grandparents… We are not the 80,000 lb demons the media and lawyers portray us to be. It allows us a chance to get personal, educate the public on truck safety, and show we are still the “Knights of the Highway” and we are here to lend a hand when we can!

Need more info about how drivers are giving back?!? Feel free to reach out to us!
Please find below more photos and article links about Trucks With Room to Spares Mission!